The Natural Approach
Call me for an introductory chat on 07720 385 068
Let my experience help you

Lucille Cowell
DipHomACH ND DipN.Adv
Lucille has an interest in the Gut Microbiome and how it affects our overall health. She is a qualified Registered Naturopath , Homeopath and Naturopathic Nutritional Advisor . Qualified as a pharmacy technician, she is aware of the limitations of conventional medicines.
Lucille has a certificate in Mycology and uses Medicinal Mushrooms within her practice to help overall health.
Lucille is a registered member of the Society of Homeopaths, a member of the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners and General Naturopathic Council. Lucille is continuing to develop her knowledge and practice of Homeopathy , Nutrition and Naturopathic medicine, by ensuring that she attends courses and conferences to enhance her practice.
The stool test gave me confidence that treatment was targeting my symptoms and also reduced my worry that there was a more serious problem. I was so pleased to be offered this test and have been so much better since starting treatment. (J.P July 23 )

The Natural Approach
Copywright Lucille Cowell 2023