The Natural Approach
The Natural Approach
Call me for an introductory chat on 07720 385 068
Wellness: the state of being healthy, especially when it is something that you actively try to achieve.
We live in an age of realisation. We realise that we will not stay healthy if we do not respect and look after our bodies. We should also realise that such care need not lead to dramatic changes in our lifestyle.
With the right help many of those ‘niggles’ that beset many of us could be resolved and the side effects of drugs or serious illness could be reduced.
Gut wellness may improve many areas of your life.
How often do we hear the terms ‘gut reaction’ and ‘gut feeling’ that don’t involve the guts at all? Or perhaps they do.
While your gut may be reflecting your emotional state and reacting to your diet and any illness, it may also be the cause of your problems.
A simple test and scientific analysis with a personal plan, that could involve anything from modifying your diet to natural medicines, can/will often help with conditions ranging from stress and anxiety to skin problems and joint pain.
Comprehensive tests could shed light on your individual health status leading to changes that will bring your wellness into focus.
The stool test gave me confidence that treatment was targeting my symptoms and also reduced my worry that there was a more serious problem. I was so pleased to be offered this test and have been so much better since starting treatment. (J.P July 23 )
The Natural Approach
Copywright Lucille Cowell 2023